
Parents Association

The StC Parents Association

The St. Christopher's School Parents Association supports the school's administration, faculty, staff, students and parents in furtherance of the school's mission. The Parents Association welcomes and gratefully utilizes the array of diverse talents among its members to provide opportunities within the school community for supporting classroom and extracurricular activities, fostering communication, offering parent information and education programs, interacting with like constituencies at St. Catherine's School, and raising funds to support all of the foregoing through approved projects, not solicitation. All parents and/or guardians of students at St. Christopher's School shall automatically become members of the St. Christopher's School Parents Association.

Looking for Volunteer Opportunities?

There are a number of volunteer opportunities listed on the PA Resource Board. Log in to SaintsNet and go to the Resource page. Next, click on the Parents Association tile.

Parents Association Resource Board

Upcoming Events

List of 5 events.

View School Calendar

PA Access

To access treasury documents, contact information and resources, please log in to SaintsNet and go to the Resource page. Next, click on the Parents Association tile.

Volunteer Your Time at StC

List of 7 items.

  • Parents Association (PA) Board Positions

    • President
    • Vice President
    • Secretary - for each PA Board meeting, records all remarks and reports, tracks meeting attendance, distributes minutes and prepares meeting announcements.
    • Calendar Coordinator - serves as a clearing house for scheduling all Parents Association activities.
  • School-Wide Events

    Plenty of opportunities in both leadership and helper roles for these events.
    • Fall Festival: A daylong event of games, activities and shopping for our school-wide community in October.
    • Winter Wonderland: A holiday event geared primarily to the Lower School in December.
    • Auction: An annual fundraising event that provides a wonderful opportunity for members of our community to come together in support of the school. (Every other year.)
    • Spirit Unleashed: school-wide school spirit event with dinner and games. (Every other year.)
  • Lower School

    • PA Lower School Representative - coordinates room parents, Grade Reps, mid-year play, and teacher appreciation events; chairs monthly room parents and parents meetings; and serves on PA Board as Lower School Divisions Rep and as liaison between the PA Board, Lower School Administration and Lower School parents.
    • Assistant PA Lower School Representative - serves on PA Board as Assistant Lower School Division Rep.
    • Room Parent - assists son’s teacher in coordinating classroom activities and mid-year play, with teacher appreciation events, and assists the Fall Festival chairs with volunteer sign-ups, and attends monthly room parent meetings. Room parents are selected randomly by mid-August using a lottery system.
    • Picture Day
  • Middle School

    • PA Middle School Representatives
    • 6th Grade Rep
    • 7th Grade Rep 
    • 8th Grade Rep
  • Upper School

    Upper School Division Rep - oversees 9th-12th Grade reps, is a PA Board member and serves as liaison between the PA Board and Upper School Administration.
    • 9th Grade Rep
    • 10th Grade Rep
    • 11th Grade Rep 
    • 12th Grade Rep
    • Altar Guild - prepares the Upper School Chapel for services and events by providing flowers and other arrangements on a weekly basis.
    • Welcoming - organizes special gatherings for Upper School parents new to St. Christopher’s School.
    • Junior Summer Internship Program Coordinators - matches the interests of 11th Grade boys with adult professionals.
  • Parent Education

    • Parent Enrichment Chair – oversees the programs and committees described below to provide quality educational programs for parents in conjunction with the school, coordinates such programming with St. Catherine’s counterpart, and serves as a PA Board member.
  • Other Parents Association Standing Committees

    • Athletic Concessions - three-chair committee that provides hospitality/ refreshments at designated home athletic events.
    • Directory - obtains information for and distributes annual St. Christopher’s/St. Catherine’s directory in conjunction with St. Catherine’s counterpart.
    • Flowers & Hospitality - provides appropriate flowers and wreaths for school events such as holidays, Parents Night and commencement. Also, provides refreshments for Parents Night, reception following Christmas Service and teacher appreciation.
    • Arts - organizes and coordinates the display of student artwork on and off campus.
    • Volunteer Database - creates and distributes online volunteer interest form to all parents. Maintains volunteer database and works with PA committees to fill volunteer needs.

School Rewards Program

List of 4 items.

  • How it Works

    School rewards programs are easy ways you can help St. Christopher's School raise money. Registering is easy and only takes a few minutes, and once you do sign up, everyday purchases, from gifts to groceries, special occasions to everyday necessities, can help St. Christopher's School. Please read below for more information.
  • Publix Partners

    Giving back to St. Christopher’s is easy with Publix Partners! Go to and sign up for a reward account. Under your settings, click "Publix Partners" and type in St. Christopher's School. When shopping in-store, type in your phone number and St. Christopher’s will receive a portion of total amount.
  • Kroger Community Rewards

    Designate St. Christopher’s School (# 88746) with your Kroger Plus Card at After that, your purchases will begin earning rewards for St. Christopher’s School.

    Note: You will need to reenroll your designation of St. Christopher’s School on an annually.
  • is an internet company whose goal is to enable the economic power of individuals to benefit their chosen communities. At, members list and support their favorite worthy causes, from national nonprofits to local ones like St. Christopher’s School. iGive features more than 2,400 of the web’s best stores!

Contact Us

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Elizabeth O'Connor

    Cricket O'Connor 

    Manager of Special Events
    (804) 282-3185 x5326