StC News

StC Boys Problem-Solve with Physics and Hands-On Learning

Middle School students design and build complex bridge designs.
Using WhiteboxLearning, a web-based scientific and engineering program, eighth grade students designed and built individual balsa wood bridges last week.

During the first stage of the project, boys researched designs and, using physics, developed three different proposals. A winning design had to meet the project standards for stress, yield and load capacity. Once a digital prototype was approved, the boys began building. 

The project goal is for boys to learn how to transfer the digital aspects of design to a hands-on experience. It also has a broader goal of fostering critical thinking. “Where we see the students struggle the most is the build, and that’s something we actually want to see,” said Middle School Science and Health Teacher Kyle Burnette. Learning to think creatively is key. Burnette adds, “When they’re having a hard time, the question is, can the guys problem-solve to get to a solution?”