StC News

Student Group Highlights Boys and Mental Health

Garnett Nelson '20 of MIND encourages StC to take well-being seriously.
Mental illness can be a difficult subject to talk about, particularly for boys. It requires being vulnerable and open, which doesn’t always come easily.

Garnett Nelson ‘20, co-chair of Mental Illness Needs Discussion, believes that well-being should be something that StC talks about openly. MIND, which promotes mental health awareness, plans to hold events and conduct outreach efforts across campus. Yesterday, at Upper School Chapel, Nelson introduced MIND, encouraged student participation and shared some personal experiences. 

“We live in a competitive atmosphere at St. Chris. Being surrounded with all the amazing and talented people here can be overwhelming,” said Nelson in his talk. “It’s easy to get caught up in the final grade or the statistics, but the truth is, there are so many more important things in your life than a test or essay, one of these things being your mental health.”

Nelson shared statistics about boys and mental health and outlined plans for the coming year, including joint meetings with St. Catherine’s School, cooperation with the Lower and Middle Schools, and de-stress sessions during X-Blocks.

“There is a stigma around mental health, and it’s hard to talk about,” said Nelson in an interview. “I think our mission this year is to help open that up and start the conversation in our community so that people who need help can get it.” 

Our focus on boys and mental health continues with our Journeys to Manhood series on October 10, 2019. The program will take place on World Mental Health Day, featuring talks from Dr. Matt Bellace and Jordan Burnham