StC News

The Hon. Donald McEachin '79 speaks in chapel

Congressman Donald McEachin '79 encourages boys to help restore civility in national dialogue
This week Congressman Donald McEachin '79 spoke to boys in Upper School chapel, encouraging them to help restore civility to our national dialogue. Mr. McEachin said, "We have got to get back to the notion that we are all children of God, and no matter what we look like, or no matter what our last names might be, and no matter how we worship God, we are all his children. We need to be able to see God in each one of us."

Mr. McEachin took questions from the boys and from the faculty following his comments. He also gave special recognition of his class of 1979 classmates, Cary Mauck (who introduced him), Mac McElroy and Teddy Gottwald who were present. 

Thank you, Mr. McEachin, for returning to your alma mater to spend time with the St. Christopher's community.